Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2022
- Present: Hank Salmans, Reneen Salmans, Megan Johnson, Sandy Schell, Kathy Walker, Joanne Davala, Dorothea Diller, Andi Graves, Candace and Vorry Moon, Joanne Davala, Carl Diller, Christy Jones
- Quorum Established: Yes
- April 2022 Minutes: Reviewed, amended, and approved
- Electronic recycling this Saturday!
- Reminder: Watch for kids and watch your kids with basketballs, nerf guns, etc.
- Please stop at the stop sign at Humboldt entry
- Membership Drive Update
- City Grants Update
- Follow-up on previous event organization directions
- (i.e. how to set up/run events our neighborhood has done in the past)
- Planning for June events:
- Garage Sale
- Dumpster Days
- Bob Stevens Memorial BBQ
- 4th of July
Membership Drive:
- Email reminder went out 4/15
- Membership Update:
- # Returned Registrations – 12 in mail, 4 payments online
- Read-out on Directories (Printed/Digital)
- How do we get directory info from PayPal? – Through Website user registration. No new user requests to date.
- Megan will send all website users a request to determine if info has changed
Membership Directory:
- Sandy working through directory to understand what is current or outdated information
- Marla Kauerz, Lila Greaves, Bill; How do they want to handle the directory information?
- Goal: June availability of updated directory
- Follow-up on backup/co-treasurer?
- Christy will look for post office key
- Still need this
- $4,300 in bank right now
- $800 in total additional dues received for 2022-2023
- Cannot change to January Fiscal Year unless we change bi-laws; majority of people attending a meeting
- ***We would like to change By-Law XIV, Section 1 and will vote on this in the MAY meeting
- We got all grants turned in, requested 3 grants for dumpster, chipper, and fall festival
- No timeline established, reviewed based on event timing
Architectural Control Committee:
- No updates / No requests
- Any needs for paper card to get new neighbor information, list of events, membership form, plant, directory
- Sandy welcome signs for new neighbors – $22ea, will get 3 signs
- Will ask new neighbors if they want the sign in their yard before putting it in
Planning for June Events:
Garage Sale (6/3-6/4)
- Leadership of garage sale: (Christy / Kathy)
- Tie balloons on mailboxes, signage, etc.
- Balloons each day on mailbox
- Sign-up via website and days they will sell
- Signage – Big wooden sign. Fred may have in garage?
- Flyers – Christy’s husband will create a flyer
- Flyer out by the weekend of 5/21 – sign up by directly emailing Christy
- Include reminder on dumpster/chipper day for the following weekend
- Social Media Posts (Facebook, Next Door) – Andi will do this Wednesday prior to sale (6/1)
Dumpster/Chipper Days (6/11-6/12)
- Communication:
- Neighborhood signage?
- Blank forms / Check / Paypal— cannot use dumpster outside of membership
- Reneen- Research on what we can/cannot put in dumpster
- Organization
- Reservations: Sandy will set this up using same vendor as past years
- Staffing / Volunteers:
- Email sign-up list for shifts as in past years. Stick to the same times through website.
- Sandy will put together list of people that have paid dues
- Vorry — Point Person for Dumpster/Chipper: Point person to ensure we have volunteers, tables ready to go, etc.
- Megan has a table if needed / Erin has a large steel table as well
Bob Stephens Memorial BBQ (6/21)
- Can provide man food and drinks + neighbors bring side dishes and desserts
- Debating on location – At West end of E. Dry Creek Place cul-de-sac ? Ask neighbors!
- 5-7pm
- Sandy will check with Mark on the bin of paper plates, etc.. Kathy will check with Lila.
- May need to get a permit – just call in and ask for block party – Candace will run it through once we have locations (Need 2 week lead time)
- Talk about traffic conerns?
- Communication:
- Neighborhood signage?
- Flyers w/ reminders on membership
- Organization
- Point Person- Buy food, shade tents, small committee etc.
- Food Planning – Lila?
- Other Event Planning?
4th of July Parade:
- Hank/Candace – Firetruck planning
- Need refreshments for the kids (popsicles, drinks, etc)
When: Tuesday, May 17th
Where: 1677 E Jamison Place
Topics (Subject to Change):
- Ridwell Representative – TBD? – 10-15min.
- Membership Update
- June Event Planning Update
- Continue with Zoom meeting availability?
- ** Traffic Concerns/Issues Discussion – Initial Discussion
Did my previous comments disappear? I don’t see them. Under TREASURER, it is Article III, Section 2 that you wanted to and later did amend, not XIV 14, section 1. It is really important to state what the proposed amendment is, in the minutes, or there is no historical record to look back on.
Please cancel my above reply, since I don’t see a way to do it and it looks like I wound up in the April minutes, when I was looking for May. Thanks.