Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2023
Call to order:
Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm at the home of Carl and Dorothea Diller.
- Attendance (A quorum was present):
- Board Members:
- Danny Bier (2023 co-president)
- Alex Wolf (2023 co-president)
- Sandy Schell (Treasurer)
- Brittany Meeks (Communications)
- Andi Graves (Secretary)
- Christy Jones (Hospitality)
- Kathy Walker (Member at Large)
- Susie Lewis (Hospitality)
- Neighbors:
- Dorthea Diller
- Carl Diller
- Board Members:
Arapahoe Highlands Civic Association Business
- Reading of minutes of previous meeting;
- All reviewed on website
- Reading of all correspondence and/or hearings
- By-laws need to be updated in the member directory
- Recent concerns from one household have been addressed and the board considers them closed.
- Neighborhood notifications:
- Board will post happenings that impact health and well-being through email.
- For Pet notifications and others, we encourage neighbors to post on next door.
- Treasurer: Sandy Schell
- Current Balance: $4,467.20
- Pending Costs: Membership mailing and stamps ($162.89)
- Sandy Schell has key to the mailbox; Alex will be the backup
- Membership Drive:
- 24 so far; includes 4 PayPal
- Membership drive ends 4/30
- Membership Drive Reminders:
- Include reminder that the directory will be printed with information received through end of April
- Email will go out as a reminder mid-April
- Will go door-to-door if any updates are not received; Susie will call Denise to see if she is still interested in helping
- Put up signs to remind the neighbors
- Member Directory:
- Owner: Sandy Schell
- Proof Reading: Kathy Walker
- Goal: 2023 Directory to be published/printed by end of May 2023.
- Board will publish any updates end of year to identify new neighbors
- Will continue to print 110 directories (all houses + accounts for new neighbors)
- 2023 AHCA Budget:
- 2023 Budget discussed in detail with all Board and Neighbors at meeting
- All present board members (quorum was reached) and neighbors made a motion to approve 2023 budget
- Board will re-visit the budget once we learn the status of the 5 grants we will apply for; may need to re-assess budgeted events
- Grants to be utilized for:
- 4th of July Summer Party: Alex to submit
- Fall Festival: Christy to submit
- Dumpster: Brittany to submit
- Chipper: Danny to submit
- Holiday Party: Andi to submit
- Grants to be submitted by 4/1/23. Sandy will send board Tax ID number.
- Note: If grants are awarded, the money must be used for the event applied for (the money does not roll over to a different event).
- Architectural Control Committee:
- Reminder to submit work- past and future
- Social
- See: Upcoming Event Planning
- Hospitality
- Nothing to report
Upcoming Event Planning:
- Dumpster/Chipper Event
- Co-Chairs: Danny and Sandy
- Danny will call and schedule the vendors
- Sandy will identify the volunteers from membership forms
- Chipper: 3 hours on Saturday morning, 9am to noon
- Need to book by May 1st
- 4th of July Event
- Board will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, chips, water bottles
- Keisha Gimm and Justin Denton are willing to host again! Thank you!
- Candace will coordinate mounted police and firetrucks (need to confirm)
- Kathy- Order popsicles
Topics Discussed:
- Newsletter: Danny and Alex
- Goal: Send in April
- Include membership drive information
- 2023 plan will be to circulate this responsibility to board members to ensure it is feasible
May AHCA Meeting Planning:
- Date: Tuesday, May 16th, 7pm
- Location: Brittany’s House @ 7693 S. Gilpen Ct.
- Topics:
- Plan 4th of July / Summer BBQ (Block street, permit, street party)
- Re-visit budget with grants
- Discuss Dumpster/Chipper Event Planning
- Other topics as identified
Sandy Schell adjourned the meeting at 8:54pm
Andi Graves submits these minutes, gratefully acknowledging the board’s help!
Hello Lila,
Thank you for your reply – the bylaws do not require the sharing of meeting topics before the meeting nor do they require a draft budget to be shared in advance of the meeting, we are required only to share the approved budget within 30 days. That being said, if the draft had been available earlier we would have put it on the meeting agenda and shared with the neighborhood for feedback, which we will endeavor to do next year. As it happens the current budget will be shared in the next newsletter. We encourage you to review and share any comments or suggestions at the next AHCA meeting.
Thank you for the suggestion on tie-ing into the city’s event, we will investigate that as an option.
On the subject of prorated dues – as you have already been informed the AHCA incurs essentially no expenses for the first three months of the year. For this reason the decision was made not to prorate dues this year, and no refunds will be issued.
As always we appreciate your patience with our volunteers, and welcome any feedback or suggestions – preferably at our regular meetings.
-Alex & the AHCA Board