A Message From Our AHCA
Hello neighbors,
We have recently received feedback regarding the increase in annual membership dues from $50 to $75 to cover the calendar year. This is the first increase in dues since our association was founded in 1985.
We would like to take a moment to clarify that last year’s dues were intended to cover March 2022 through March 2023 time period. However, at our June 2022 meeting and neighborhood BBQ, the Board voted, in the presence of dozens of neighbors/AHCA members, and passed a motion to change our fiscal year from April-March to January-December. Since essentially all AHCA costs are incurred for neighborhood events between June and December, we don’t believe our fellow neighbors will be overpaying despite that overlap.
The increase in dues and the change to have dues cover the calendar year were both brought up in recent AHCA meeting(s) which were advertised 10 days before throughout the neighborhood. As a member of the AHCA, each person has the opportunity to attend and vote on all proposed changes.
Additionally, we welcome and appreciate feedback for our neighborhood events. The AHCA can’t emphasize enough that our intention is to be frugal and good stewards of the dues from each and every member while providing opportunities to create community within our neighborhood. We do our best to balance the quality of events with their respective cost, and in some cases we have been able to cover the additional costs with grants from the City of Centennial. These grants are not guaranteed, and therefore we cannot count on that funding in our budget.
We use feedback from our neighbors to inform these decisions and we know many neighbors appreciate the amenities that have been made available for their families (children in particular). We will certainly adjust the scope of our events if we receive more feedback from our neighbors that it is not worth the additional cost, but we need participation in advance of decisions.
The AHCA board does spend your money so we understand your desire for more transparency. We would encourage you to reach out to us at ahca.web@gmail.com or attend an AHCA meeting if you would like to review more detailed information. None of the spending details are secret and are shown in aggregate in the membership flyer in order to make them easier to digest.
Lastly, while it is true the Board is spending our neighbors’ dues, it is spent entirely on this neighborhood. No one is paid to serve on the Board; we volunteer our time in the hope that our efforts improve this neighborhood for everyone.
We appreciate your patience if these efforts don’t always meet your expectations. We encourage, and rely on, participation in AHCA activities from any members who wish to raise the quality of its work.
Written by
Danny Bier & Alex Wolf,
2023 AHCA Co-Presidents
On behalf of the entire Board
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Contact AHCA
Arapahoe Highlands Civic Association
PO Box 3801
Centennial, CO