April 2021 Newsletter

The Highlander

AHCA Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2021

Call to order: 7 pm, Christy Jones
AHCA Board Present: Susie Lewis, Christy Jones, Kathy Walker, Alex Korenblyum, Erin Bieniek, Sandy Schell, Vorry Moon, Megan Johnson.
Quorum established.
Others present: Candace Moon, Bob Esterl
Absent: Hank Salmans



Treasurer – We are setting up a PayPal account so neighbors can pay their yearly dues of $50 either by check or PayPal. There will be a $2 fee to use the PayPal system.

Membership – We are working to give you more options to renew your AHCA membership. We plan to get everyone a physical form still, so please keep an eye out for that.

Directory – We are planning to have the Directory move online so that neighbors can make updates to their own information and save some trees. More info to come!

Architectural Control Committee (ACC) – we received plans from a neighbor for an 8 foot cedar fence that will help block noise on Dry Creek Rd. These plans have been approved by the city.

Hospitality – We are starting a Comings and Goings area of the newsletter so please submit your mentions to us via the website!

CenCON (Centennial Council of Neighborhoods) – University Blvd Corridor Study and the Housing Study. Visit our updated website under “News” for all the related details and CenCON updates! You can also find more info on the City of Centennial website at www.centennialco.gov.


AWESOME Upcoming Neighborhood Events!

Dumpster Days/Wood Chipper: Scheduled for June 12 and 13 (planning a Food Truck June 12). Wood Chipper on the morning of June 12 only. We look forward to getting the clutter out of our homes and yards together!

Yard Sale: We need your help! Please click the survey link at the bottom of this email to give your input on whether we do a yard sale in 2021. We may move to every other year. Right now we’re considering the Friday/Saturday before Dumpster Days, June 4 and June 5, but we need lots of participation.

Fourth of July Parade: We will have our annual parade again this year along with our wonderful Fire Department. We will begin lining up at 10 am on Gilpin Ct. Bring your decorated bikes, scooters, walking shoes and participate in this wonderful parade. Popsicles to follow!


New Business

Reminders: Please pick up after your pets! It makes our neighborhood look its best when it is tidy.

Please watch your kids when they are playing in the street. As nicer weather comes, there will be more traffic and more kids!


AHCA Yard Sale

Please take a brief survey to gauge interest in our neighborhood yard sale! It is only three short questions and will take ONE MINUTE of your time. Thank you to all of our neighbors for your support and participation!

Have a Question?

Talk to the Board

Contact AHCA

Arapahoe Highlands Civic Association

PO Box 3801
Centennial, CO
