Meeting Minutes
Dec. 14, 2021
Board Members Present: Hank, Sandy, Megan, Erin, Kathy, Susie
Greetings to new neighbor/first time attendee: Andi Graves
Discussion of holiday festivities:
Santa Claus is visiting the neighborhood on Saturday, December 18 at 10am. Food donations can be picked up at the same time. Food and gently used toys will be donated from our neighborhood to local families and charities.
Board will create a flyer to share information about upcoming holiday festivities, meetings, and election with all AH residents.
Megan requested a review of Directory draft.
$4016.44 balance
W-9 needed for City of Centennial grant
January meeting and election will be virtual.
New Business
- Please join us for elections for the 2022 AHCA Board. If you would like to serve on the board, please contact us! Our community really needs people to step up to continue the great work of this long-standing civic association.