Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2022
Call to order:
Sandy Schell called the meeting to order at Bob Stephen’s Memorial BBQ at 7:10pm
- Attendance (A quorum was present):
- Board Members: Vorry Moon, Sandy Schell, Megan Johnson, Andi Graves, Christy Jones, Erin Bieniek, Kathy Walker, Candace Moon
- Guests/Neighbors: ~60 neighbors attended the Memorial BBQ. Great turn-out!
Arapahoe Highlands Civic Association Business
- President’s Report
- Vorry was present; no report
- Secretary: Andi Graves
- No report
- Treasurer: Sandy Schell
- Balance: $8,400
- Pending Costs: Dumpster/Chipper, Bob Stephen’s BBQ Main Course, drinks
- Future Costs: Ice Cream Social, Fall Festival
- Centennial Neighborhood Engagement Grants:
- AHCA applied for and received 3 Centennial Neighborhood Engagement grants ($500ea for Dumpster, Chipper, and Fall Festival) which decreased our costs for 2022.
- These grants are for neighborhood get-togethers, improvements/beautification, etc.
- Due to these generous grants, and that we cannot do snow plowing, we have some monies to do more social events. Please contact a member of the board or use our website to let us know what you’d like to see!
- We will aim to send a survey this summer
- Communication
- If any members need help with the website, please contact someone on the board to help assist.
- Member directory will be available- print and digital- mid-summer
- Architectural Control Committee:
- Not discussed
- Hospitality:
- Not discussed
Upcoming Event Planning:
- Not discussed
- Vote on By-law Article III Section 2: Regarding Fiscal Year.
- Board and members present at the meeting on 6/22/22 voted on the amendment of by-law Article III section 2 of the by-laws. Majority voted for amending this by-law.
- New by-law will state that the fiscal year for the Arapahoe Highlands Civic Association will begin on January 1 of each year.
- “ARTICLE III DUES Section 1. Dues shall be Fifty Dollars per year per household. Section 2. The fiscal year shall run January 1 through December 31.”
- Board will determine and communicate how dues will be paid in 2023 so that no community member pays double for any given month.
- Board and members present at the meeting on 6/22/22 voted on the amendment of by-law Article III section 2 of the by-laws. Majority voted for amending this by-law.
- Looking for neighborhood volunteers to help with the AHCA Fall Festival on Saturday, October 1st.
- We will also be contacting members that indicated an interest to help on the sign-up forms.
Sandy Schell adjourned the meeting
Andi Graves submits these minutes, gratefully acknowledging the board’s help!
Under “Additional” #1. The meeting was on 6/21/22.
A suggestion for the surplus party funds – have block parties like we used to and pay volunteer hosts by the number of neighbors in their “block” that they get to sign in at their party. Just like we used to in the summer, but this time with actual money!