September 2022 Newsletter
The Highlander
Happy Fall, Y’all
As our summer comes to a close, we welcome fall. Our spring and summer here in our Arapahoe Highlands community was busy. Our Chipper/Dumpster Days were a HUGE success with more than half of our dues-paying members participating. A HUGE thank you to all who volunteered to man our tables and help out. Thank you, Vorry Moon and Christy Jones, for keeping things running smoothly.
We then celebrated our annual Bob Stephens BBQ on June 21. Our main course was provided by the AHCA from Winston’s BBQ and neighbors brought side dishes and desserts to share. We had a brief AHCA meeting, but mostly enjoyed meeting new neighbors and catching up with old friends. Thank you to Sandy Schell, Andi Graves, Christy Jones, Missy Olson, and Michael Vahle for helping make this event a BIG success.
Our annual 4th of July parade was joined by members from the Arapahoe Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol and a fire truck from South Metro Fire Department. Thanks to Candace Moon for helping coordinate our parade visitors. Thank you to Justin Denton and Keisha Gimm for cooking up some dogs and burgers afterwards and Kathy Walker for the popsicles. This was a terrific event and thanks to all who made it happen!
We joined in the National Night Out with an Ice Cream Social, joined by a funny and energetic Balloon Guy! Again, this was a great event, and we want to thank Andi Graves, Christy Jones, and Erin Bieniek for your help with this.
We have our 2022 Directory ready to go and have handed out some, but could use HELP getting the rest of them delivered. If you can help with the delivery of flyers or directories, PLEASE contact Sandy Schell at Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to Sandy Schell and Kathy
Masters for putting it together.
We would like to thank Megan Johnson for handling our website and neighbor emails. It’s a huge job and we truly appreciate her time and effort to keep this communication going.
We will be having our annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 1st from 4 pm – 7 pm, but could REALLY use some help with it. We will have a bounce house, mini pumpkin decorating, and more. We will get flyers made up and could use help with delivery of flyers, set-up (food tables, coolers with ice and drinks, pumpkin decorating table). Let us know if you’re interested in helping at
We will be having our September Board meeting on Tuesday, September 20th at the home of Megan and Dustin Johnson – 1684 E Dry Creek Pl @ 6:00 pm. We will be finalizing the Fall Festival, our Holiday events and talking about 2023 for the AHCA. We welcome every homeowner to our meetings! Please consider joining the board. We have 6-8 meetings a year and help each other with events and activities.
This spring, the board applied for three Centennial Neighborhood Engagement Grants and received $500 for the Chipper Day and $500 for the Dumpster Days and $500 for our upcoming Fall Festival. This allowed the board to allocate more funds for the Annual Bob Stephens BBQ, the 4 th of July BBQ and the Ice Cream Social on the National Night Out celebration.
Check out our website at for our neighborhood events, activities, documents and meeting minutes. We also try to make you aware of local events and activities.
Our condolences to the family of Mary Ellen Hesla, who passed away recently. Mary Ellen lived on 1768 E Jamison Ave for many years and will be missed.
You are invited to LPS’ Annual Community Resource Fair at East Elementary School! Saturday, September 17, 2022 – 5933 South Fairfield Street, Littleton, CO 80120 – 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Come visit booths from our community non-profit partners to receive information, walk away with swag or free food, and hear directly from the organizations about the services they provide that could benefit your family. You can also visit LPS booths to learn more about various dept. and even apply for jobs. During the event there will be free lunches, chances to win giveaways, entertainment for kids, and free haircuts!
Arapahoe High School – Powder Puff Game – Wednesday, Sept. 21 – DECA BBQ and food sales start at 6pm, cost is $5; Girls Powderpuff Football Game & Fireworks Show; Championship game begins at 6:30 pm on AHS Turf – Homecoming. Royalty Presentation – Fireworks start at 8:30 pm – bring blankets to sit on.
Arapahoe High School Homecoming Parade – Saturday, Sept. 24 – Parade – 10:00 am – The parade begins in the west student lot and heads north on Franklin, east on Easter, through The Streets of Southglenn, back to Easter going west to Franklin, and from Franklin south to AHS.
Centennial Chalk Art Festival – 10 am – 4 pm – Saturday, Sept. 24 – Streets of Southglenn – Watch as local artists create sidewalk masterpieces using only chalk and their imaginations. Arrive early to spend the day browsing local businesses and vendors and enjoying an outdoor concert – 100+ chalk artists – Live music – Family activities
Arapahoe High School Future Business Leaders of America – Saturday, Oct. 15 – Shred-a-Thon Paper Shredding Event 9:00 am – Noon in East Parking Lot of Arapahoe High School; sponsored by Metrum Credit Union; $10 per copy paper size box donation; shred check stubs, receipts, tax documents, etc.
Sandy Schell called the meeting to order at Bob Stephen’s Memorial BBQ at 7:10pm
- Attendance (A quorum was present):
- Board Members: Vorry Moon, Sandy Schell, Megan Johnson, Andi Graves, Christy Jones, Erin Bieniek, Kathy Walker, Candace Moon
- Guests/Neighbors: ~60 neighbors attended the Memorial BBQ. Great turn-out!
- President’s Report – Vorry was present, no report
- Secretary: Andi Graves – No report
- Treasurer: Sandy Schell
- Balance: $8,400
- Pending Costs: Dumpster/Chipper, Bob Stephen’s BBQ Main Course, drinks
- Future Costs: Ice Cream Social, Fall Festival
- Centennial Neighborhood Engagement Grants
- AHCA applied for and received 3 Centennial Neighborhood Engagement grants ($500ea for Dumpster, Chipper, and Fall Festival) which decreased our costs for 2022.
- These grants are for neighborhood events, improvements/beautification, etc.
- Due to these generous grants, and that we cannot do snow plowing, we have some monies to do more social events. Please contact a member of the board or use our website to let us know what you’d like to see! We will aim to send a survey this fall
- Communication
- If any members need help with the website, please contact someone on the board to help assist.
- Member directory will be available- print and digital- mid-summer
- Architectural Control Committee – Not discussed
- Hospitality – Not discussed
- ADDITIONAL: Vote on By-law Article III Section 2: Regarding Fiscal Year.
- Board and members present at the meeting on 6/22/22 voted on the amendment of by-law Article III section 2 of the by-laws. Majority voted for amending this by-law.
- New by-law will state that the fiscal year for the Arapahoe Highlands Civic Association will begin on January 1 of each year.
- ARTICLE III DUES Section 1. Dues shall be Fifty Dollars per year per household. Section 2. The fiscal year shall run January 1 through December 31.”
- Board will determine and communicate how dues will be paid in 2023 so that no community member pays double for any given month.
- Board and members present at the meeting on 6/22/22 voted on the amendment of by-law Article III section 2 of the by-laws. Majority voted for amending this by-law.
- Looking for neighborhood volunteers to help with the AHCA Fall Festival on Saturday, October 1st.
- We will also be contacting members that indicated an interest to help on the sign-up forms.
- ADJOURN: Sandy Schell adjourned the meeting
Written by
Sandy Schell,
AHCA Treasurer
Have a Question?
Talk to the Board
Contact AHCA
Arapahoe Highlands Civic Association
PO Box 3801
Centennial, CO