(a) Call to Order
Alex called the meeting to order at 7:15pm
- Thank you to Susie Lewis for last minute hosting as Hank & Reneen Salmans were called out of town.
(b) Attendance Roster
- Board Members:
- Danny Bier (2024 co-president)
- Alex Wolf (2024 co-president)
- Sandy Schell (Treasurer)
- Kathy Walker (Member at Large)
- Susie Lewis (Member at Large)
- Neighbors:
- Andi Graves
- Clayton Meeks
- Mark Masters
- Barb Iwata
- Lisa Wiethorn
- Lynne Falick
- Alan Falick
- Board Members:
(c) Reading of Minutes of the previous meeting
Motion to waive reading of the September minutes and approve. Seconded. Vote on motion – unanimous – yes.
Majority voted to pass
(e) Treasurer’s Report
Current balance in the bank is $4,249.24. PayPal account has $1,499.40. The budget aligns with our bank account.
Pending expenses: Our account with the Secretary of State is due 1/2025 and Sandy suggested that the new Treasurer register as the account will need to be updated with their information. It’s a $10 fee. Question as to what happens if we don’t register. Mark Masters indicated at the AHCA would become delinquent and not be in good standing with the State of Colorado.
Other pending expenses: Holiday party & Santa visit. Susie also indicated she has some receipts from Hospitality.
There is a $350 Holiday party budget. It was suggested we purchase a new sleigh for our Santa visit for next year.
(f) Committee Reports
Hospitality: Per an email to board, Diane Younglund (new hospitality person) visited new neighbors on Jamison Pl. Susie reported she gave a plant & card to Joyce Wolfe, who has been ill.
ACC: No Report.
(g) Unfinished Business
Holiday Events
Currently no host. There is a budget of $350. If no host is found, event will be cancelled. Discussed allowing children, but point was made that all of our other events include children. Need to find a Santa & helpers. Will be Saturday, Dec. 14th @ 10:00am. Susie will ask Hank. Clayton Meeks offered to be back-up Santa. Sandy offered to make individual invitations for Holiday party to pass out –door-to-door if host is found.
(h) New Business
The Board had received no nominations through email or contact with a board member. Alex asked for volunteers from the attendees. Alex Wolfe, Andi Graves, Kathy Walker, Mark Masters, Lisa Wiethorn and Alan Falick volunteered. Motion to approve these neighbors for the board. Seconded. Unanimous yes vote. No one is interested in being President. This board will determine if they will continue at their January meeting if no more volunteers step up. Suggested that minimal events be done if no more volunteers.
- Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:10 p.m.
Next meeting – Alan & Lynn Falick offered to host January meeting on 3rd Tuesday, January 21st at 7:00pm.
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